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10/29/2023 7:04:43 PM
Stop expecting to win for sucking. You're the one dragging good players down.



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Wow, I’m not even gonna attempt to engage you in further conversation. Even though you completely missed my point



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Youre 0.66KD trials and your top 5 weapons are crimson, jotün, jade rabbit, drang baroque and cloudstrike. You are litterally using nothing but crutch weapons and have that bad of a KD, you are the problem and are dragging others down (yes there are worse players and they are also a problem) Trials is meant for players who are skilled to test that skill against other players with skill. It was designed like that and bungie has done their best to keep it as close to that idea as possible while trying to make it more accessible to the trash when in all reality players with a KD bellow a 0.9 should really be swept away and removed from the mode.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Dismissive weapon talk from the guy maining a fusion rifle, le f*cking monarque (!!!) and the most crutch heavy exotic pulse known to man. This week alone 199 kills with Le Monarque! That thing is so cheesy it might as well be Le Fromage. But ey, flex that triple gilded Irony seal you got on brother, let me see it. Lol Everything under 0.9 shouldn’t be allowed in Trials? You’re such a joke. Watch you play a full year against nothing but the sweatiest of sweats and suddenly it’s “muh this game’s no fun”. Tough talk when you know the reason why you so vehemently defend the current Trials system is because it’s easier lighthouse trips for you. SBMM gave you a rectal breach and now lives rent free in your head. Get fussy all you like, this game and all it’s modes do not belong to you. They belong to all. Which means all have a say in it. Where you (or I) agree with those opinions or not.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Except i only use no time on arc warlock which i havent used in PvP for a while. Burdon and BXR are also only used on my warlock but on stasis which again i havent used in a while. Le Monarque is because hunter synergy with oathkeepers but i could be that guy who uses wishender instead. I played a lot of trials on my warlock and yes i used scummy weapons but i dont play PvP on my warlock anymore (outside the odd IB game when i use necrotics and thorn on void none of which are meta). Currently ive started using sturm again and recently started using sweet sorrow. Both of which get out played by most weapons of their category. Youve got no leg to stand on and if you think my stats are just from crutching i sure as hell can prove you wrong. Trials was developed by bungie and released in 2015 with the House of Wolves expansion where it was branded as a gamemode made for skilled players to test their skill against other skilled players, and where the most skilled would be allowed to a new area (at the time) called the lighthouse. Bungie stuck to that design idea for a long time and continued it even during Trials of the Nine which was marketed as a new mode for skilled players like Trials of Osiris. Bungie have made the mode more accessible over time, first by allowing players to queue solo (originally you had to be in a 3 stack to even launch the mode), eventually they added freelance to help solo players (it was removed due to it causing population problems in the mode). Now its been made more accessible by using Fireteam Based MatchMaking or FBMM, which allows players to typically match against other players of equal fireteam size (3v3 2+1v2+1 and solos v solos) while yes you can match against larger stacks (mostly 2 stacks as a solo due to the mode being 3v3 not 2v2) it is very unlikely. None of what bungie has done has ever went against the original idea of the mode, which as i stated before was that the mode was made for skilled players to test that skill against other skilled players. Now in what world should a mode made for skilled players cater to, balance teams for or even allow access to those who cant even be at least around a 1KD?



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • 由Storm編輯: 10/31/2023 7:53:18 PM
    Same for me. Jotunn was my main when I started out as a blueberry years ago. Learned to hate that gun because of what it is, and only pull it out when others are maining it. But it’s still in my stat list. And I have no doubt you can stomp me flat as a pancake in pvp. But the fact that you’re flexing that to a 0.66, ngl that’s some insecure small d*ck energy my guy. Though I’m sure the history lesson about Destiny is worth a read, I skimmed over that part. You ask me why Trials shouldn’t just cater to 1KD players only? I’m sure any business minded person at Bungie would be glad to explain to you exactly why that is. But let me venture an uneducated guess for you: Because you’re a minority. And you can’t make bank off a minority. You can keep them happy, because they’re hardcore and dedicated, sure. But a videogame is entertainment. Exclude players too much, and you’re literally cutting into your own revenue. It’s easy math guardian



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Still this week you used Crimson and Travelers Chosen which are both very good and Crimson being a crutch weapon. Trials also comes with the latest expansion which the majority of players buy to play the seasons and to play the campaign. Even if bungie alienated their low skilled players from trials they wouldnt lose money as trials isnt something you pay for each week and its not what anyone really buys the DLC for. Theres no payment for trials outside of owning the latest DLC whic again no one buys just to play trials and even if a few people did they still wouldnt lose enogh money for it to matter. Also you say im a minority but, im the minority (kinda, im skilled but not amazingly so im only a 1.11KD and back in season 20 my overall was a 0.92KD) that trials is aimed towards. Even though im just skilled enough to count as a skilled player im still the target demographic of the mode while people who are of a low skill are not the target of the mode and all they do is complain and slowly ruin the mode. An example of low skill players ruining the mode was all the hate the old trials system got due to flawless pools shutting out low skill players that managed to get a flawless by luck and all the sniper camping. When labs introduced zones it was the lower skilled players that loved it and caused an increase in population which inevitably lead to the bad mode we have now because bungie didnt bother to put the time in to see if those people were actually people the mode was meant for. Now to adress the Small D!ck Energy point, i simply said what i said because you made it out to seem as though i need to crutch and so i simply defended myself from such a claim.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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