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由Storm編輯: 10/29/2023 8:27:46 PM

Trials matchmaking is beyond broken

My team Opponents 1. 0.78 KD 1. 1.40 KD 2. 0.65 KD (me) 2. 0.90 KD 3. 0.38 KD 3. 0.76 KD The highest KD player on my team is only 0.02 above the lowest on their team. How is this anything except rigged to lose? Edit: Just had another joke match. 0.84 2.13 0.65 0.99 0.63 0.85 None of us even matched their KD 😂 Trainwreck game design Edit: Up against a 2-stack Then 3 solos Then reset the card. First match? Yep, instantly another 2-stack. “FTBMM” my hole (To all those who misread my intentions: it’s not about winning or losing for me. Purely team balance)



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  • 由OtterTears編輯: 10/29/2023 12:16:19 PM
    When kd the easiest stat to manipulate equals skill. Not hard to get good at a game and make a new account a start you new account at 2.00 kd. Also you can camp every match in the back get 3 kills and hide the whole time and not die to farm for better kd. It’s a stupid stat to base any skill level on. Been saying this since H3. A good team shot could take down any 1.5+ kd. I’ve out gun pros and won matchups against pros because of starts and team shots. Stop crying and focus on getting better team comp or learn how to carry. MM sucks in every game because of smurfs.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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