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10/28/2023 8:48:28 PM
Trials is fun but I wish they'd drop this narrative about "best of the best " or pinnacle pvp mode. Whenever there's people winning 90% of their games 5-0 , it doesn't scream competitive by any measure.



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  • I mean - dudes are LITERALLY served newbs on a silver platter to get easy flawless tens of times per weekend. What "pinnacle" of pvp are we talking about? Getting casuals as cannon fodder is the "pinnacle" of Fn what?



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  • Ever notice how trials is considered "dead" once regular Joe's stop?



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  • 👆🏻this!👆🏻 Let’s be honest: unless you’re carried, you need to have skill to be able to go flawless, right? And it should never be easy, because Trials is supposed to be a sweatfest. But just look at one of Gernaderjake’s recent livestreams. He has a career built on being good at pvp, and was doing solo trials, but even he wasn’t able to reach the lighthouse. There are so many more factors at play than just skill alone.



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  • Trials was originally made and marketed for skilled players to test their skill against other skilled players to see who could go flawless. People win games 5-0 usually because thwyre good and so many bad players enter the mode even though the mode is not for them. OP for example has a 0.66 overall trials KD. That is not a skilled player. The mode was never intended for him and while bungie has made it slightly more accessible theyve made it more accessible to players that dont go in as a pre-made team of 3 not more accessible for bad players. Bad players are the issue, not the matchmaking. Players who go in to the pinnacle PvP mode expecting it to be like quickplay deserve to get stomped. Simple.



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  • It breeds elitism. Kids get full of themselves very quick. So much so, that any mild suggestion of balancing scares them into full blown toxic-mode. Because imagine they’d have to be up against more people of their own skill bracket instead of having that instant weekly-flawless-dopamine-hit with very little effort. They’d rage quit and go straight to another pvp game in a heartbeat



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  • This game is so ridiculous when it comes to the way you want things to be that it has caused a lot of "top tier" players to really think they have what should be considered superhuman powers. But that is actually from the fake that is for the people that are always talking about the elitism.



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  • Exactly



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  • 由$Three編輯: 10/28/2023 9:54:05 PM
    nah. trials is and always has been the sweats playground. end game pvp. i wouldn't mind a system with more rigid bracketing, making it a tournament mode instead of what it is. i could definitely flawless from time to time if isolated from the people who are head and shoulders above my skill level. but make no mistake, trials is functioning as intended, mostly. good loot draws fish to the barrel, pvp ringers shoot the fish, and fight through other ringers and go to the lighthouse. it's not really the pvp sweats that are the problem, it's you. either forgo the loot, or git gudder.



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  • Functioning as intended…. I had multiple 3 solo v 2 stacks back to back; despite “FTBMM” I had multiple 0-5 stomps back to back, despite “stomp protection” No, it most definitely is not functioning “as intended”. And Bungie knows this. They just don’t wanna put money into it. But ngl, I like the bracket idea! 👍🏻



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  • 由$Three編輯: 10/28/2023 10:30:49 PM
    being an excellent player is required to perform well in Trials. that design feature is working as intended.



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  • Oh brother . We have a player in are clan that is a .7 kd and goes flawless almost every time its up , but he does play at weird times. Like when it first opens and when its about to end.



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  • Yeah…that adds nothing to the conversation. That’s like saying air is useful for breathing



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  • 由$Three編輯: 10/28/2023 10:43:26 PM
    this is gonna go in circles, i bet.



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  • Doesn’t need to. We could agree to disagree 😂



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  • Haha true. I still respect trials for what it is, I just know it's not solo friendly. Solo will just make people rage.



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  • Yeah it’s a rush, just like Master raids or even the odd GM. And terms of loot accessibility, I can’t deny the improvements Bungie made. But like you said, solos get the short end of the stick



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  • I wish you luck though. The weird thing about trials is you never know when that elusive 7 straight will happen.



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