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由The Homie Turtle.-.編輯: 10/5/2023 5:02:04 AM

Is there something we can do about bows in the crucible?

This is just a minor gripe and its not a huge deal, its just something i find sort of oppressive in the crucible. I think there needs to be some attention paid to bows and their potency in the sandbox. Recently they've seemed to "come into their own" in the crucible a little more so than I feel they should have. I dont believe that bows should be as powerful damage wise, OR they should be a special weapon. Lets be honest, this is the only game where we get infinite bow ammo, and its made them a staple in the end game for years and arguably too powerful for that too. PVE aside however, I think the true problem is most evident in PVP. Where archers camping in the far back of the map just lobbing shots, hiding, rinsing and repeating exactly that makes for boring and stale gameplay. It has gotten to the point where I feel Ive not had a single game without being either spawn camped by bows, or entirely shut off from close range engagements entirely by them. I just think its something you should take a look at. Thank you for your time, and for reading this! I hope all of you at bungie have a great day! Stay safe guardians. EDIT: While I acknowledge skill behind bows, the issue stands no matter how you feel about it. Wish Ender and Le Monarque are definitely problem children, and the two that feel the most oppressive.



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  • I think there is a lot of skills in legendary bows but for certain exotics (see a theme here) Wish-Ender and Le Monarque they get too powerful.. so agree with you there. The exotics are leading to issues.. but most will die on that hill to defend their right to use their shiny yellows..



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