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9/20/2023 11:15:29 AM

Super changing exotics

Should exotics that change supers have their own cooldown when equipped? Ex: pyrogale changes burning maul into basically a shutdown super. Should it come with a reduced cooldown to be more in line with other shutdowns, and same for any exotics that get a rework like this or are released in the future?



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  • [quote]Should exotics that change supers have their own cooldown when equipped? Ex: pyrogale changes burning maul into basically a shutdown super. Should it come with a reduced cooldown to be more in line with other shutdowns, and same for any exotics that get a rework like this or are released in the future?[/quote] Asking since we do have exotics that add longer cooldowns to abilities, with close monitoring ofc



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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