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由Guardian7789編輯: 9/16/2023 1:16:26 AM

(Fixed) Character has no subclass after using another platform

So i have cross save enabled on playstation which is my main platform and steam. I own all the expansions on PlayStation but none on Steam except the ones that carry over (seasons and dungeon keys). I had heard that capping frames on pc would make the weapon crafting glitch easier and since i could not get it to work on my ps5 i decided to try it out, but i had strand equipped on my titan. When i loaded in on my titan i noticed that in my inventory my titan had no lighting and that my subclass was gone and was buffering and in game i couldn’t double jump, sprint, or using any kind of abilities, but thought nothing of it since i knew i had strand equipped and i would be fine once i got on my ps5 since there i owned lightfall. Once i got back on my ps5 the bug had carried over and my titan is now stuck as a lightless nothing that can only walk and shoot. My other characters are fine, but I desperately need help and don’t want to delete my titan that i have spent over 1000 hours on.



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