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由Killdozer FTW編輯: 9/10/2023 11:35:20 PM
[quote]Bungie! Whats going on!? Why do we not have pinnacles for Strikes, Gambit & PVP? It was just giving us pinnacles for doing 9 ritual activities now its not? It gave us pinnacles at the start of this season! Please change it back! I dont care that we get exotics but let it be pinnacles at least![/quote] I was confused by this as well. 😕 Apparently the Ritual list rewards were changed with season 21? Prior to season 21 the weekly Ritual playlist challenges (complete X matches) rewarded a pinnacle legendary engram and the ritual list vendor challenge (complete X bounties) rewarded a powerful legendary engram. Now it is just the opposite. Supposedly it was bugged for quite some time and gave rewards by the old standard and has now been "fixed". I'm personally not a fan of the changes either lol. I would've been much happier with the weekly ritual challenge awarding pinnacle legendary engrams, and the weekly vendor challenge awarding a powerful exotic engram. It's a toss of the coin though IMO, one version is more beneficial to those still chasing the 1810 cap and the other is more beneficial to those who have already achieved said cap. ☺



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  • Bungie can fix it for the new standard then. I definitely agree with you on everything. We can still have our pinnacles for doing X amount of ritual activities! 😊 i dont care if it is an exotic as long as its a pinnacle 😊



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • [quote]Bungie can fix it for the new standard then. I definitely agree with you on everything. We can still have our pinnacles for doing X amount of ritual activities! 😊 i dont care if it is an exotic as long as its a pinnacle 😊[/quote] You still can get a pinnacle for doing 1 strike, 1 crucible match and 1 gambit match if you can finish the 8 bounties required for the pinnacle in 1 match or strike.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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