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由Lucky_Hollywood編輯: 8/31/2023 1:26:30 AM

Sabotaging in competitive playlist should be a permanent ban




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    Why do people take d2 pvp this seriously lol



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  • Jumping off the map might be bannable sometimes but beyond that this playerbase has shown they will try to manipulate just about anything else that would seem to make sense. Even with map jumping some people will convince themselves they're doing it altruistically to save their teammates. And that's just something that will lead to more bad matchmaking. But yes if people are jumping off the map they shouldn't really ever get matched with those playing the game right or in lobbies where the game is working the best. Everyone needs to be real about how that causes some people to act as a whole when they feel they're being pumeeshed though. Unfortunately something that makes matches is really supposed to be this thing were the people that do the most of what they're supposed to kind of automatically move up without the feeling that other people have to be in there making sure there's bouncers for map jumpers.



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  • this has got be be satire. theres no way someone gets this aggressive whenever someone disagrees with the post



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    2 回覆
    • Negative kd = skill issue



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      3 回覆
      • Lmao nah this is bullshit. Cheating should be a ban he’s, “sabotage” nah.



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        8 回覆
        • 2
          Yep. Had this myself yesterday. I had 5 wins and then had someone jump out the second round and then my other teammate jump out 3rd round. Guaranteed loss. But I guess that what I get for not LFGing or asking clanmates to run trials.



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          1 回覆
          • [quote]WHY DO I LOSE RANK WHEN I WAS CLEARLY SET UP FOR FAILURE!!!!!?????[/quote]Because you set yourself up for failure.



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          • Honestly I always go for the emblem en then also jump of for each game untill the end of the season. I can’t take comp serious with sbmm in it it’s a joke. My advise don’t take it seriously bungie even admits destiny is not competitive the playlist is pure there for ppl to stop asking for it



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            16 回覆
            • 由DaNegativeOne編輯: 8/29/2023 10:30:31 AM
              I agree. Often times people use this strat to lower their SBMM rank and find easier wins when they actually want to play. Permanent banhammer for them, I say, since I'd consider it multiple offenses.



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            • I agree



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              1 回覆
              • Problem is there is no concrete way to differ from bad play and sabatoge



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                3 回覆
                • [quote]Playing a match today, teammate decides that he doesn’t want to play and starts jumping off a cliff during the first round. Does this every round. All 3 rounds. My other teammate leaves the match after the second round of this, so now I’m left with a guaranteed loss after one teammate continually commits suicide and the other decides to leave. WHY DO I LOSE RANK WHEN I WAS CLEARLY SET UP FOR FAILURE!!!!!????? IT IS NOT MY FAULT MY TEAMMATE DECIDES IN THE FIRST 30 SECONDS THAT HE IS GOING TO SABOTAGE THE GAME!!!!! IT IS NOT MY FAULT MY OTHER TEAMMATE BAILED ON THE MATCH!!!!! SABOTAGING A MATCH SHOULD BE A PERMANENT BAN!!!! AFK OR LEAVING A MATCH SHOULD BE A 2 DAY SUSPENSION D-DOSSING SHOULD BE A PERMANENT BAN CHEATING IS RAMPANT. SABOTAGE IS RAMPANT YOU ALLOWING IT TO CONTINUE AFTER KNOWING THE PROBLEM IS GROSS NEGLIGENCE. It’s hard enough to get comp rank anyway, but you also have to deal with teammates standing in the spawn afk, or leaving the match, or straight killing themselves on purpose. I shouldn’t lose rank based upon the actions of my teammates. Punish them for sabotaging. Don’t punish me for staying and playing the game. If anything, you should not lose rank if you are down a teammate. If that teammate left then they should receive a larger reduction in rank. Same goes for sabotage. If you are clearly killing yourself on purpose to lose the match it should be a ban and a huge rank reduction. Also your matchmaking pools should be narrowed so you can only play with people who sabotage the game like you did. THEY DONT GET BANNED. THEY DONT GET PUNISHED. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BUNGIE. IT RUINS THE EXPERIENCE FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME. THIS POST NEEDS NO RESPONSE. THIS IS A BULLETIN TO HIGHLIGHT MAJOR FLAWS IN GAMEPLAY[/quote] Dude just quit playing that mode, it has you on edge



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                  4 回覆
                  • Just another reason that any solo-friendly alternative should be 1v1, not matchmade 3v3. Randoms will always find a way to let you down.



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                    2 回覆
                    • Destiny isn’t a game built to be competitive. Your expectations are way off and it’s just pissing yourself off. Genuinely go touch grass and find another game to take seriously for pvp, you’ll be happier for it



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                      12 回覆
                      • What's messed up is I've spent about $50 over the last year, but I can't play trials.



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                        • 由NotCreative123編輯: 8/28/2023 4:42:51 PM
                          I'm pretty sure you don't lose points if you're down a player. [quote]SABOTAGING A MATCH SHOULD BE A PERMANENT BAN!!!![/quote] In my opinion, a teammate who plays poorly is as much a detriment to your team as one who intentionally sabotages you. Should "bad" teammates also be banned? [quote]AFK OR LEAVING A MATCH SHOULD BE A 2 DAY SUSPENSION[/quote] What about disconnecting from the server? This seems like a steep punishment for something that soem players have little control over. [quote]D-DOSSING SHOULD BE A PERMANENT BAN CHEATING IS RAMPANT. SABOTAGE IS RAMPANT[/quote] Cheating can result in permanent bans, but when were you ddossed? Where is your source that cheating and sabotage are rampant? Are you your own source? [quote]I shouldn’t lose rank based upon the actions of my teammates.[/quote] So, no one should ever lose rank...? [quote]Also your matchmaking pools should be narrowed so you can only play with people who sabotage the game like you did.[/quote] Good idea [quote]THEY DONT GET BANNED. THEY DONT GET PUNISHED.[/quote] Source? EDIT: What's funny is that all your problems could be solved if you just found a team to play with instead of solo-queing



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                          20 回覆
                          • They need to either remove the rewards for doing three matches or make it so you need to win three matches. A lot of players only go into Comp for the sniper. They don't care about winning.



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                            2 回覆
                            • The way I feel about it is that if you play a lot of comp, it kind of evens itself out. Sometimes you lose points due to griefing on your team, sometimes you gain points because it’s a player on the other team doing it. It’s interesting that almost no one on here ever complains about being gifted easy wins. Having said that, I can’t believe there’s no way to automatically detect and punish someone repeatedly jumping off the map. I don’t think it should be a permanent ban though — start off with a time out and increase the punishment each time it happens.



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                              3 回覆
                              • Griefing definitely should not result in a permanent ban unless it's done over and over and over with proof. It's never that serious.



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                                67 回覆
                                • If you get a team this wont happen, thats the problem of solos, this game supose to be played in teams, u got what u ask for



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                                  1 回覆
                                  • U guys want matchmaking in all playlists and that’s what u get and this why there will never be mm in raids



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