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7/24/2023 9:33:03 AM

Multi use exotics or exotic changes

I am a warlock main and ever since solar 3.0 I've been trying to think of a way bottom tree daybreak could be added back but I couldn't figure out any balanced way. I started using small things that could help make my super like the same before but it all soon didn't work and then I got an amazing idea that wouldn't only make a favorite exotic even more better and multi functional but also make many other exotics so much better. Exotics are made to benefit you in a way, change gameplay up abit and make something so rare and powerful feel like it's worth alot. I'm thinking of exotics having multiple functions to them, example I've thought of is Phoenix protocol being able to Also give daybreak super energy back on kills. Raijus harness making gathering storm capable of blinding targets in the area of affect or close to the outside, geo mag stabilizers transforming stormtrances super into a large single lightning strike that deals alot of damage like a burst super. Keep in mind these are small examples, I don't really think these should be added and these are the only ones I could think of. Exotics having 2 functions that are completely separate would maybe save space and make exotics feel more exotic.



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  • Subclass 3.0 broke the barrier that made the 'return super energy back on Daybreak' balanced. Attunement of Flame subclass tree did not have access to Icarus Dash nor the Heat Rises ability, but now since you can have those two, restoration x2 with Phoenix Dive, and fast speed with glide in super, you have got a beefed up super that can move fast in air and on the ground. If you add super regeneration on top of that, it would be too strong in the crucible even if it's from an exotic.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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    • Bakris should work on all subclasses not just stasis Solar - Leaves a firewall in your path burning enemies Arc - Blinds enemies in your path Void - Weakens enemies in your path Strand - Suspends enemies in your path



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