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6/15/2023 8:52:19 PM

It's nearly impossible to get to Pinnacle level in this season

Bungie assumed (only God knows why) that ALL Destiny players were already at the pinnacle level when season 19 ended and thus decided to eliminate all of the more accessible activities that rewarded pinnacles. This means that average players will forever be condemned to never reach the pinnacle level, thus being severely handicapped to run legend lost sectors or other similar activities. This current season one can only get pinnacles from raids, dungeons (if you paid extra for them), and by getting high scores at specific activities. This is not ideal, it's not matchmade friendly and it's a step back in letting those players progress through the game at their own pace. I think the pinnacle change was a bad decision and if Bungie got rid of the power leveling then one of two things should be done: 1 - Provide better and more accessible sources of pinnacles for those still below the pinnacle level; 2 - Move all players to the pinnacle level automatically at the beginning of the next season; That's it. Thanks.



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    In forum jail again. Be back soon. 💕🥛 -

    I never got why people who aren't doing endgame stuff need to be max level. Like bro, you really trying to be yoked in Patrol?



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    • The entire goal was to shift players into not caring about their power level; so when they finally remove it completely and make every activity "you are effectively X power" then people are already used to it. And it forces players to have to do more group content instead of the quick and easy solo "Do 3" Crucible/Gambit/Strikes sources. For Pinnacle Rewards you have: • Dungeons & Raid Completion • 200,000 Score in Nightfall (which is not difficult but requires playing group content for 3ish runs on average) • Vexcalibur Mission • Legend Salvage • Weekly Mission 100,000 Score Quite literally, what they did, was take away the Pinnacle Rewards for playing Solo and locked them all behind needing to play with a group - either matchmaking or through a clan.



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    • Artifact level is a better source. This is the only season I’ve hit max gear. Since the 6 month one.



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      • Bungie decided some pinnacle rewards were too easy (pretty much the only ones I ever used to get). This season is just so people get used to the change. They’ll bump up the pinnacle level in a season or two and keep the pinnacle rewards as they are now.



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      • All I can say is I’ve been at max pinnacle since the first week of the season. This is without question the easiest season ever. Blueberry com has a list of Pinnacles, check it out there are many available weekly.



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