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6/6/2023 6:32:32 AM

Powerful Attraction mod is useless

Bungie, why did you make some stupid mod that's supposed to collect orbs of power for us? On top of being nearly useless even in concept, it also has a radius of about 3 feet. Obviously you knew it would be poorly received, so you you've made orbs of power roll around as if they ignore friction altogether in some absurd attempt to get us to use your poorly conceived idea. This mod is among the smaller in a recent string of blunders on your part, but it's a perfect example of where you've wasted time that could have been spent on what your player base actually wants. You have one of the most dedicated core groups of players of any crossplay game available right now, and we pay higher than acceptable prices for your content because you keep promising improvements that are continously delayed and often underwhelming. Perhaps no one at your company took a business class, but your supposed to under-sell and over-deliver, not the other way around. DO BETTER



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