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5/27/2023 3:43:55 AM

Idea for new supers

Kenetic supers Titan bone crusher: hammer and sheild you are able to parry attacks if times right and sheild bash your moveset changes when you swap hands with 2 handing your sheild or 2 handing your hammer, this class is like sheild an hammer titan fused into 1 Hunter killer: bow and knife dealing and receiving damage increases your damage output but you only have so many arrows with your knife being the good old reliable, this class almost resembles D1 blade dancer Warlock wayfinder: jack of all trades this pole staff has many uses it can be used as a glaive or as a spear it can but picked back up after throwing it and it also pings the area around it when thrown showing the location of enemies within visual content of the spear if the enemy is dealing damage to the sheild when blocking your melee will blind targets looking at your sheild this sheild also grants a massive bonus to crit damage through it if the sheild it currently blocking damage, this is a very grounded class that bolsters teammates while also giving warlocks a way to get their hands dirty for once These supers deal exclusively kenetic damage so they ignore resistenses but they also ignore most bonuses too ,inspired by the lightless humans that still take up arms to defend the last city the light has taken the shape of that spirit Titans can parry n stun, hunters can bleed n retaliate, warlocks can gather n share knowledge of enemy location an weakpoints



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  • The basic design for these items would fit cloud striders with a mix of horizon Tech scrap given shape The subclasses would follow the logic of the supers The hunter only has 6 arrows and can shoot them as traps for later dealing bleed or poison they can also cloak after staying still n crouched for long enough.. They can also track recent foot steps and hide their info from other players Titans can actually break through defences using they max charge melee but this takes awhile to charge up but depending on the defence will dictate how long you need to charge for titan bubble its a max of 120 seconds but for throw sheild guarded it's pretty much on contact after 5 seconds of charge, once guard broken they can't guard for 6 seconds



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  • Also with this bring back the old D1 tower with Alot of the old D1 stuff like factions, bounties an even stuff like weapons n armor Even bring back the original white starting gear n green/blue gear Crow gets the speakers mask



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