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4/24/2023 3:08:14 AM

The Monotony of D2 Activities

I always feel as if I play this game on a monotonous schedule because of the way Bungie schedules weekly resets. I get on sometime after reset, play for pinnacles and weekly stuff (raid drops, etc. etc.) then get off till next Tuesday unless I became busy or had better things to do on reset. My point being, destiny used to be a game that I simply could not put down, but now… I find it too easy to close, and I’m sure others feel the same. Now one might say, I should just play other games or do other things if I’m bored of D2 so easily, and you’re right, I do now. The monotony of seasonal grinding and minuscule rewards in harder/longer content is too tiring for me and many others to play long periods of time in D2’s current state. How can we change this?



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