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3/27/2023 10:58:37 AM

Largest LGBTQIA clan in destiny 2! Legendary HOB

If anyone is looking for an LGBTQIA+ clan we have a clan with 350 members that's just for you! The legendary HOB strive for safety and a nontoxic environment for our members! We always do our best to provide comfort for those struggling with issues with destiny and life ltself. We have alot of different timezones covered with people located all over the world. We have tons of raids scheduled weekly and people willing to sherpa the raids you haven't done. We host custom pvp games and weekly teaching raids along with seal hunting and grandmasters for those true end game guardians. All four Haus of Bussy clans are joined through the discord that took months to perfect. We have added alot of personal touches to make it truly an amazing community . PLEASE DM MY BUNGIE ACCOUNT VaultOfBussy that way we could set up a welcome call with you to get to know you and walk you through the discord and more. Can't wait to see you star side Guardians! Check out our #Destiny2 clan!



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  • how do i get an invite i just had to leave my clan bc they weren’t nice haaaaa



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    • Honestly best clan I ever been in lol still a lot of people I haven’t played with yet and yes it is a safe place to play together and love having new members join in the fun and definitely find lots of love from everyone



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    • I joined yesterday and I just about cried how gay everything is. It's beautiful! It's nice to not have to defend my queerness of neurodivergence, or my pronouns. Thank you all for this space. You're doing Glob's work. 🙏



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    • 由sixsais編輯: 3/28/2023 2:38:26 PM
      I would message you because I have questions, but I keep getting a bungie error. ETA: It seemed to be a browser error, solved it, and messaged you :)



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    • I joined up just three months prior to lightfall release and as others have stated HoB is a dream come true. As a queer D2 player, who’s a little too soft for his own good, I’ve hopped in and out of several clans never really finding a place where I felt comfortable or genuinely welcome; playing with others under a façade that wasn’t really me just to feel safe or that I’d belong. This left me with coming to terms that I’d probably have to run solo for good and remain limited in the overall content I could explore. HoB has been something of a light in the dark for me. From my welcome call where we explored my first dungeon, to now joining up for contest mode/master or grandmaster content I have never felt more welcomed and encouraged by an online community. Every step of the way, the admins and guides took great joy and patience in teaching content like dungeons and raids. I’m pleased to say I’ve met some really awesome people here. It feels powerful to have a community that closes ranks when faced with bigotry and it’s wonderful to see the leadership stand firm in accepting and kindly welcoming all who come our way. We do this [i]and[/i] kick -blam!- all the same. I can’t thank everyone enough for making me feel like I’ve got a home in D2. If I’m playing, it’s with HoB. Your bud, Kaine xoxo P.S. if you’ve taken the time to read this my friend, I pray the fates bring you our way. Eyes up my queer guardian, you most certainly have a place with us.



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      • Legendary HoB literally has become a home to me. We have so many active members who are always down for helping each other whether it be teaching raids or dungeons, or chasing seals and triumphs. To me and so many others, Legendary HoB is more than just a clan, but rather a community for LGBTQ+ gamers to feel free to express themselves without any judgement. When I first joined, I was technically still a new light. I never ran any dungeons or raids because I was too shy to join any LFG group. But thanks to this clan I was able to complete my first day 1 raid in Lightfall! I am also an admin for Haus 4, and we have plenty of space for people to join. Please feel free to DM me if interested :)



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        • Best Clan Ever <3 <3 Very patient welcoming and Skilful too



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        • 由DrakeTheSnake8編輯: 3/27/2023 8:00:49 PM
          Chill. Helpful. Patient. Fun. All words I would use to describe this family of LGBTQIA Destiny Clans. I’ve been a member of other LGBTQ Clans, beginning with D1, and I’ve left most of them either due to inactivity of other members, or unnecessary acrimony. Then I discovered Legendary HOB… what a breath of fresh air. If you’re looking for a Clan where people are willing to teach - come here. If you’re looking for an active Clan across varying time zones - come here. If you’re looking to get away from “the drama” - by all means, come here.



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        • Massive and super active clan full of people who love to help you with any and every activity and play with each and every person making sure no one feels left out a massively supportive group and safespace for LGBTQIA+ people to be able to be themselves and find like minded people whilst doing something as easy as a strike to master raids and GM’s if you want an active and supportive clan this is what your looking for!!!



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        • This clan is exactly what I always hoped to find. There are always people around to help with any kind of Destiny activity you're interested in, or just to chat. No matter what your skill level is, you'll always find support and camaraderie. This clan has become like a family to me. Join us!



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        • I joined the clan alongside the Lightfall release :) They are a group of incredibly friendly and patient people <3 Thought me to go through a few dungeons and raids and even took me for a Day 1 with them. They are always up to do some stuff both in pvp and pve 10/10 recommend! :D



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        • 由$Three編輯: 3/27/2023 4:28:40 PM
          Yo! I have bounded around between "inclusive" clans and LGBTQ+ "friendly" clans, and inevitably I run into a -blam!- that is well liked by the admins of these clans and their -blam!- goes unchallenged and I am asked to grow thicker skin. I was going to leave group gaming and just do what I could solo... Then I found Legendary HOB. We are a queer clan, with queer leadership, built by and for the community. ON TOP of all of that we enforce the "don't be a jerk" rule, and everyone is far kinder than I am used to in an online community. We are strongly supportive of our trans community. We respect each other's pronouns. We do all of this while clearing the most challenging content. We had multiple teams running Day One RoN. We have gilded conquerors getting ready to slay nightfalls, and help newer people through. We generally have multiple raids a day, people looking to do PvP customs and Trials, we have Flawless trials players. We have hundreds of members across four clans, all held together by a fantastic, well maintained Discord server. Like, from the outside looking in, maybe some of this sounds too good to be true. It is not, my fellow queer gamer, it's just about as good in this clan as it can get for the likes of us. Come check it out!



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        • Trying to join and it says full. Is there a HOB 4?



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          • 由Rasgueado編輯: 3/27/2023 8:02:40 PM
            This last year playing Destiny with this group has been the most fun I've had with the game. People here are supportive, patient, and accepting of everyone. It's been great fun to help new players through challenges they couldn't think they could do, and learn how to improve by playing with some real top notch folks. I've met a lot of really good people here, and there are folks around who like to do every part of the game. Nightfall, GM's, PvP, Trials... they're all here! I wanted to do day 1 raids for years and it was a lot of fun to finally get to do them starting with Vow last year. Great bunch of folks here. Come join us!



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