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3/26/2023 1:17:40 PM

FUN and VARIETY that’s what we need

Hello everybody, this post is meant to list the main requests coming from the players in the forum/in game feedbacks over the last few years. They pretty much keep asking the same stuff, but seems like Bungie is focused on something else. Let me start saying that this game is unique, the concept behind it, pve and PvP combined along with the campaign… is crazy But the truth is that what the players are given is the same stuff every dlc with slightly changes. Same activities, same routine, infinite grind, boring lobbies, endless crafting, and I could go on and on Now, I want this post to be summary that helps shed light on what the truth is. I have no other intentions. And would like to avoid random insulting comments as every post this forum has. Gamers are different, so the offer should be varied in order to attract as many people as possible. This means that is not ok if many guardians leave the game after 3 weeks from the DLC release, which is supposed to have a lot of interesting content. There’s something wrong. Bungie has a masterpiece but treats it like a dusty old toy, which inevitably bring to higher drop out rates. Let me finish saying that FUN is the key because we are talking about a game. People should chose to play it over the others because has something else. And it used to have it back in the years. Can you please Bungie at least try to make it how the majority of the players want it to be? Just scroll the forum once in a while and you’ll see plenty of great ideas. Hope this will help the community Peace ✌🏼



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