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3/17/2023 5:53:57 PM

6 Year Old MMO with 600+ Emotes hasn't discovered The Wheel.

That's Right, it's Me again 😁. Throughly satisfied with the implementation of Loadouts, as many before screeched and preached the usefulness of "3rd Party Applications". I say to them now HAH! A truly great videogame relies on Itself to function properly. Even still, I feel dissatisfaction when relying on the companion app for simple actions such as transferring items to the vault, something that can be easily implemented into the game itself. Yet I digress, like an itch on your back, like a pebble in your sneakers, I return to remind you that Destiny2 is a *clears throat* M-M-O-F-P-S-A-R-P-G FPS? Without a doubt. Action? Tons of it. Online? Always. Massive Multiplayer? If 12 player PVP/6 player PVE is a lot to you then, yeah, sure... RPG? No. There is only one Role to play and it is that of the hero. You can't be an anti-hero/villan, or evil, there are no different outcomes or interactions based on choice. We're on rails here in terms of story. That being said. Why can't we have basic MMORPG things? Yes finally, loadouts. Good game. Dubs for you. But where's the damn Emote Wheel? 🙃 Week after Week, Season After Season. YEAR AFTER YEAR. Eververse gets injected with a fat dose of purchasable content and we're stuck with the same bland old systems that have been in place since 2014. Why, whyyyy?



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