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3/15/2023 1:27:00 AM

Incorrect stacking of buffs with lucky pants (maybe)

So me and a friend were messing around with sturms overcharged shots and saw it was doing some good damage against ads and thought we would try it out on a boss (riven) to see if it was viable as a source of primary dps and since my friend was on hunter we decided to do a few with lucky pants but after testing with each one individually we put it together hoping the lucky pants damage buff would stack with the overcharge rounds from drang, but after testing both together it was doing significantly less than just the overcharge rounds (all tests were using a well of radiance btw). My two current theories on why this is happening is either because the type of empowering buff each one is or it is simply bugged. If any has any answers or other theories i would love to hear them and if it is a bug i hope someone at bunge sees this and it gets fixed soon



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