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3/7/2023 10:17:38 PM

Get control of your game

Bungie, I don't know if your head is so far up your own -blam!- that you can't see it, you are too stupid to see it, or you just don't care ... But when you have players openly making YouTube videos on HOW TO CHEAT in crucible, bragging about not being punished, (claiming they are a saint and only doing it for handicapped people WHILE STREAMING HIMSELF USING IT IN TRIALS IN THE BACKGROUND), spreading false information on game mechanics and what the device does to try to justify the actions and claiming that since the devices are not SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the TOS that they are not cheating.... But hey, this particular guy has been doing it for nearly 2 years (he says one year and says to look at his stats to see that it doesn't make a difference, as his K/D only jumped by a 0.6 or so...but if you go back to a year and 8 months, you'll see that it has actually jumped by 2.1), the point is, he is openly PROUD OF CHEATING and you have done NOTHING about it. He also states that he can't control how people use it and that it is only for accessibility, but he just happens to be ranked in the top 1% of trials players. I have played this game since D1 BETA. But the stance of "We are making competitive an elite ranked system where the rank IS the reward " along with the apparent zero concern and welcome environment for cheaters not only makes you look incredibly stupid and incompetent, but it has put crucible, something that at times was the only thing that kept me playing, in a position where I don't want to even look at it. You've discredited yourselves, alienated your honest player base, and don't seem to care at all. But hey, as long as the money rolls in, right? Where are the people who used to care about the game they made and have pride in it?



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