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由Guardian8650編輯: 3/4/2023 8:43:29 AM

Strand Hunter Super problem

How come the Hunter's Strand Super can't hit vertically? I'm looking up at the harpy/hobgoblin/hydra that is hovering above everyone. I aim to kick the knife toward the floating enemy and nothing. It goes horizontally outward. This seems off given the theme of the super. It would seem like you should be able to kick the knife in a 3d direction. The spin makes sense to be in a 2d plane. The kick, not so much. Also, why is it that the throwing knife design isn't based around the logic of Titans's throwing hammer? Something there also seems off. I have a throwing knife that does $#!+ for damage and can return to me. How come I have a long-@$$ cooldown and the Titan, who can get their hammer back physically, has no cooldown? To me, the logic seems lacking. All and all, Strand feels like it needs some real love.



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  • You can try to manually "catch" the rope dart when it comes back by pressing melee again, but that gives -blam!- all for melee energy back anyway. And good forbid trying to do that during a hectic combat encounter. Not to mention the dart sometimes just giving up on life and flying off somewhere.



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