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3/3/2023 9:40:05 AM

new destiny clan.. please be kind

Hi! Thank you for taking time to look at my post! (PC, but will go to xbox and ps!) Mis Amores is a new clan, it’s just me :’). i don’t have any friends that play destiny so i am taking into making a clan!! I have barely been playing simply because there hasn’t been anyone to play with ): but i promise i will try my hardest to build the clan!! (if any big clan wants to adopt mine please do but i will not be changing the name.) I want to grow a community of kind patient and welcoming people. Kindness is the most important because life is hard enough already. Let’s play and build eachother up and be the best we can be. I want to grow it and i hope you guys will grow with me! Here is a link to discord:



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