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3/2/2023 6:15:36 PM

The extreme amount of Transphobia in the forums is unacceptable! Where are the ninjas and mods??

No your criticism didn’t need to be transphobic, it didn’t need to be a whole paragraph about the “w0kE” ruining your game, it didn’t need to be filled with hate and vitriol towards other human beings. The amount of posts I have seen on these forums BLAMING NIMBUS for the downfall of the story is actually astounding and completely pathetic. I have never been so ashamed before to be a part of a community filled with evil and angry lunatics who are using the flop of Lightfall’s story as an excuse to be blatantly Transphobic and Hømøphobic! All you chuds should be ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES. And mods, ninjas, Bungie employees, whoever tf! GET THIS UNDER CONTROL THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. For crying out loud! These are the OFFICIAL B.Net Forums! Why are you letting this hatred spread like a wildfire??



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