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由Novas編輯: 2/19/2023 4:23:25 AM

Suggestion Ideas for Supers & Melees

For Hunters: - Add Necrotic Grips poison tick damage effect to Khepris Sting like in D1. Usable with Sorrow weapons - Add Void melee. Throws a low damaging non-homing ranged knife in a fast straight line, causing AoE Suppression upon impact. Tier 2 cooldown (1:40) - Add Stasis Super. Shoots up to 3 ice arrows that Freezes combatants (non-Guardians) upon impact (excluding Crucible). Cause Slow AoE. Freezes already Slowed effected combatants & Guardians. Shatters Frozen targets. Synergizes with Whisper of Fissures fragment. Tier 1 (9:16, post-Lightfall) For Warlocks: - Add "Consumes grenade to grant Devour" to Suppression grenade when Chaos Accelerant Aspect is equipped - Add non-ranged Void melee. Suppresses & Explodes target upon death. 2 Explosions if Echo of Expulsion fragment equipped. Tier 2 (1:40) - Add DPS Stasis Super. Hurling a fast huge ice ball. Freezes target upon impact, causing a Duskfield AoE & ticking damage within. Shatters targets after every second tick, Freeze targets again next tick, unleashes 2 enhanced ice seekers (farther, faster) to nearby non-Frozen targets outside of AoE for every Shatter, 3 if Iceflare Bolts equipped (1 non-enhanced seeker in Crucible, 2 with Iceflare). AoE effect lasts the same duration as a Duskfield grenade, longer with Whisper of Durance. Synergizes with Whisper of Fissures. Tier 1 (9:16, post-Lightfall) - Add non-ranged Stasis melee. Causing Slow AoE. Explodes effected targets upon death. Explosion size increased if Whisper of Fissures equipped (excludes damage increase). Tier 4 (1:22) - Add "Doubles Ignition damage to Daybreak projectiles" perk to Dawn Chorus to support Super. Having this with Ember of Combustion equipped & other fragments could make Daybreak a more DPS option For Titans: - Add DPS Stasis Super. Throwing a huge ice javelin that attaches to target. Freeze upon impact. Detonates after 2 seconds, causing Shatter damage, spawns 3 Diamond Lances & 3 enhanced ice seekers to nearby non-Frozen combatants (1 lance & 1 non-enhanced seeker in Crucible). Double Shatter detonation damage when Hoarfrost-Z is equipped. Tier 1 (9:16, post-Lightfall) - Add "Double Shatter damage to [Stasis Super]'s detonation effect" perk to Hoarfrost-Z to support Super - Add ranged Stasis melee. Lunges a homing ice spear, Freeze targets upon impact, causing Slow AoE. Spawns a Stasis shard for each Frozen target, 2 shards each if Tectonic Harvest aspect equipped. Tier 2 (1:40) I was noting if each class has a range & non-ranged melee, a roaming & DPS super for each subclass. Only makes sense, right? Lol



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