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由a rabid bobcat編輯: 2/9/2023 12:51:02 AM

We’re not angry about what the new titan super brings to the table, we’re upset that it feels like a copy paste of our other supers

I’ve seen a lot of titan mains out here complaining that they don’t like the new Titan strand super, i can’t say I disagree with them. The other classes are getting really interesting supers that build into the lore of the classes. Titans are getting what feels like another punching focused super, When did titan lore devolve us to merely a fist in search of an object to punch? Titans are supposed to be the strongest class, in terms of physical strength (we build the city walls by hand), We want to be more than just punching machines, if we are supposed to be the strongest, we want to perform feats of strength other than just punching stuff Edit: after seeing the Destiny 2 Team’s tweet, I appreciate the team addressing mine and other players’ concerns, hopefully we can get more info about the subclass that can alleviate our concerns



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  • Destiny 2 is the very definition of "same shıt different day". Bungie is a lazy company and always will be. If you are hyped for Lightfall, you are enabling companies like Bungie to get away with greedy and lazy practices.



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    4 回覆
    • Warlocks have blade barrage now. Hunters have thundercrash now. And Titans have arc blade now. All in green. Hahahahahahaha! Yep, the recycling juices are flowing indeed. Hahahahahahaha! Super creative. NOT!!!



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      47 回覆
      • Copy, paste, reskin, resell, overpriced, greedy, lazy, underdeliver. Bascially just another day at the Bungo office, and just another sub par product from a budget dress seller. Budget, underwhelming, nasty, greedy, insidious entity!



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      • What I want to know as a titan main is, will strand punching be viable in high level content? If gonna call the class beserker then it had better be useful even in a GM. I can see a lot of titans going back arc grenade spam otherwise. I also agree with other people's comments on the lack of something creatively different for a change, at least from the trailers and info dump. Titans do indeed look on the boring side in the next expansion.



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      • Most people are going to try out these new classes for a week and then switch back to their favorites. I’ll be back to my arc titan in no time I’m sure.



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      • 1
        I'm the titan main, so I'm going to complain too, but I have an idea to change this super to be better, and still be in our titan fantasy close combat punching faces. Super will summon a weapon (I prefer a two-handed sword) from the sky, such as TCrash with low damage and will draw the player to the weapon with strand Titan wields this weapon a light attack will be something like dawnblade a heavy attack will work like a void grenade (sucks enemies towards you) the player stands in animation, presses the weapon to the ground, sucks everyone around and suspends them A heavy attack charge will be generated from light attacks, so it won't be a spam ability. How it works "now".



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      • [quote]When did titan lore devolve us to merely a fist in search of an object to punch? We want to be more than just punching machines, if we are supposed to be the strongest, we want to perform feats of strength other than just punching stuff[/quote] The irony...all i see on crucible are mindless apes, runnning to shoulder charge or shield bash anything (lamest skill ever made in destiny), so i think is more than appropriated.



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        3 回覆
        • 由SuperTony編輯: 2/9/2023 11:35:05 PM

          SuperTony -

          Berserker gives you claws with ranged attacks. Not the same as punching.



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          • For titans that trailer was extremely short. Better be another one for us Bungie 😡



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            • This☝☝



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            • 由SirRazzy編輯: 2/9/2023 10:07:32 PM
              100% agree. Titans have always been all about Being in the front line for me. That doesn't mean all Titans do is punch. Void Titan is My favorite because its the Protector. Having a big Shield/Bubble shield feels Badass and it fits the philosophy of Titan being "in the heart of the fight" so to speak. Same goes for Solar (Throwing hammers at people) and Arc (Super speedy punching). But the Darkness classes have just been another Punch Punch Super. We dont want things to be busted or OP, We just want the Class Fantasy to Be "Front line Class" Rather than "Punch". Punch should be a big trait of the Titan for sure, but not their entire Lore. None the less I will obviously try Berserker out in the hope it is more fun than it looks, Lets hope we are pleasantly surprised.



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            • 由Kong編輯: 2/9/2023 1:10:51 PM
              I think it's safe to say titans don't need an OP super, they just need something more unique in comparison to the other subclasses. It doesn't matter if its ice fists, lightning fists or blades you're still just running around meleeing stuff n it's getting boring.



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              • I'll never understand this "we" trash. Do y'all not use all 3 classes? Are you people incapable of switching classes? Is your identity and playstyle that deeply rooted to one class even though they basically all do the same -blam!-? Yall get so -blam!- over other classes when you can easily switch to that class



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                2 回覆
                • We??? You ya mean



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                • Don’t forget our class ability is going to be Khepri’s Horn. Something no one uses except for trolling or glamor purposes ….



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                • How is another punching focused super NOT going with the lore of the class? Or would you rather get a head-butting super, so you can embody Asher's view of Titans in that they don't need plans, they'll just headbutt the problem. The class is the literal personification of physical violence.



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                  4 回覆
                  • D2 is nothing but copy/paste and cut/paste.



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                  • Titans don’t seem to have an issue with one-shot punching in the crucible… why is this suddenly an issue.



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                    • The dev. team is about as braindead as the majority of the player base.



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                      • [quote]I’ve seen a lot of titan mains out here complaining that they don’t like the new Titan strand super, i can’t say I disagree with them. The other classes are getting really interesting supers that build into the lore of the classes. Titans are getting what feels like another punching focused super, When did titan lore devolve us to merely a fist in search of an object to punch? Titans are supposed to be the strongest class, in terms of physical strength (we build the city walls by hand), We want to be more than just punching machines, if we are supposed to be the strongest, we want to perform feats of strength other than just punching stuff Edit: after seeing the Destiny 2 Team’s tweet, I appreciate the team addressing mine and other players’ concerns, hopefully we can get more info about the subclass that can alleviate our concerns[/quote] I as a titan main was pretty dissapointed at the start, was thinking of turning to warlock. But then it finally hit me, you just can’t fix what’s not broken. I just hope with the new era after the first year of lightfalls release, the bring a stasis and strand 2.0. Because honestly? 1 super for the darkness isn’t fair, when the light gives you more variety. Also hoping we don’t have to do some stupid grindy quests for fragments🤣 All in all, just smile, all the magic and stuff the other 2 have, shows the fists are still a favoured option :)



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                      • I think your title should have been longer...



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                      • And you still buy the expansion :) see you in Lightfall Guardian



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                      • Everything in the game is copy and paste at this point.



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                      • Hunters are also getting another ad clear super. We are right there with you.



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                        • It's been that way fir years why is anyone surprised



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                        • 由yakineko編輯: 2/9/2023 9:56:27 AM
                          I decided to build a tomb for Striker and Behemoth. Do you miss them? The blade of the ghost is with you, let's all get along.



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