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原先發佈於: Fireteam matchmaking is a**
2/5/2023 7:25:34 PM
I’ll probably get banned for this, and probably for good this time I’m sure. Because anytime bungie gets any kind of criticism they just send the ninjas out to ban it. I love destiny and bungie and I want them to be the best that they can be but they just aren’t. They make the same mistakes over and over and over again. And people are going to say “good, leave then”, “by”, and whatever else. But there are plenary of people who feel the same as me. And I know the general community doesn’t like or agree with streamers but they feel the same as I do. The community is toxic and may not like it but destiny could be great and I know it’s a wild, space magic, unbalanced mess in pvp but the pvp could be great too honestly. Bungie just can’t get it right.



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