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1/21/2023 10:54:19 AM

Another cross save deactivation post

At this point I have created several post about this, to summarize- I cannot authenticate my steam account to deactivate cross save. I log in, everything seems fine but then nothing happens. It displays a loading circle on the account I tried to authenticate as if it's going to in fact go through with the deactivation process and thennn...nothing. Nothing happens, I've tried several browsers, the destiny companion app and even clearing cache. I have to wait another month(s) after doing this and unfortunately the deactivation process it self in it's faultiness is proving to be more arduous and time consuming then the wait. I am almost in denial that said faultiness is due to user error at this point, please notify me otherwise. I need help with this badly, all my other post haven't got any responses. I am crying out into the darkness.



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