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1/10/2023 4:16:21 AM

It's Time For Crucible To Change

Currently, crucible is toxic for many reasons. We have inactive players, griefers trying to kill each other, people refusing the play objectives(and yes, even in IB where the current one ONLY gives you score if you capture zones and kills give you 0 points.) You can load into matches with much less than the maximum number needed for a team, people leave regardless of leaver penalties, and the penalties system can't tell the difference between disconnects WE CAN'T CONTROL and real game abandonment. So, some fixes? 1. Remove quitter penalty and instead put in some other method of keeping people from quitting. People will still quit for various reasons, MANY of which being that they aren't having fun with the current match or teammates. 2. Those that refuse to play the objective should receive penalties. No energy recharge, no health regen, no supers, intentionally lower player movement speed until they play the objective, etc. Anything to make the game annoying to "play" if they don't ACTUALLY play the game properly. Especially if we keep getting game-modes like the current IB where zones are the ONLY way to get points, and not getting kills. 3. Those that get reported for similar things should be placed in games of the same offenders until reports can be reviewed. Griefers stay with griefers, cheaters with cheaters, quitters with quitters, etc. This way, people that don't need to be reported can play with people of the same quality. 4. Do *NOT* start a match until both teams are at least 5 out of 6/2 out of 3. I can't tell you how painfully annoying it is to load into an IB match where it's just me or it's me and 1 other person, but the other team is a full team with 3 people in the same clan. By the way, it's skill based. By the way, we can't leave because of leaver penalty. It's not fun holding someone hostage when you FORCE THEM TO PLAY WITH UNWINNABLE AND UNENJOYABLE ODDS. 5. If someone's account has a history of disconnects and error codes that suggest a poor connection or internet instability in any way, those same account should get a heads up and a warning before playing Crucible if the current leaver penalty system isn't changed. Something along the lines of "WARNING: We've noticed connection instability either with your internet or with our servers. This may accidentally result in temporary bans from Matchmaking should you disconnect often enough. If you are experiencing these issues, try cutting down on internet usage while playing, reduce downloads while playing, use a wired connection, or play during low-traffic hours of the day if possible." Then link to some sources *In-game.* Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, I'll be around for more suggestions



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