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由Talia Sendua編輯: 1/6/2023 10:59:31 PM

Bungie, can you please buff Vorpal as a weapons perk to do 100% bonus damage against Well Sword and Bubble?

That way Vorpal as a Perk has more use in PvP, it fixes a tons of problems with the counterplay against those supers and it makes the new Iron Banner mode much more bearable to play. Both Bubble and Well can be destroyed. The sad thing is, that Vorpal only buffs between 10-20% against supers from players. And while roaming and instant supers like Nova Warp and Thundercrash should still only take 10-20% more damage from those guns, they should deal 100% (double-damage) bonus damage against SPECIFICALLY Well of Radiance Sword/Orb and against Ward of Dawn (Bubble). This change adds so much depth that it is unbelievable to me why you haven't considered this yet in your studio in a patch.



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