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由Seiryoku編輯: 12/27/2022 6:06:14 PM

Landfall and Blade Barrage

Have been nerfed. Less blades. Less umph. They no longer pierce a bubble and punish those within. These were proper counters, super for super. This was important in game modes with capture points. A person in a bubble would not survive if they stubbornly committed to a position. Now they survive, often unscathed, with weapons of light when the aggressors assume all the risk to contest the point / heavy the Titans occupy. Where as the Titan could have abandoned the bubble about to be destroyed with WoL. And if they made a wall, over shield. They do not burn a melee charge to move about with their tackle on any subclass. The sandbox team is encouraging certain foundational changes, not just "meta" changes. There's a noticable trend. Seemingly with a bias in favor of a single class. If the [b][i][u]tank[/u][/i][/b] is also going to become the [i]best mobility class[/i], with the most lethal abilities, we have to considering turning everyone else up to 11. [u]It is your product to do what you will with[/u], but we are in a weird place. Game is starting to no longer resemble what made people play. Wtf is a Gun powder Gamble. Considering Arc, Void, and Stasis, Titan's possess the fastest lateral movement to a lane. The highest survivability. They should not spec into mobility to achieve this like the MOBILITY CLASS needs to. Healing and over shield for breathing. AoE. Free knockback chaining increased lunge exploiting melee, highly lethal abilities. Grenades and melees. Important in this boots on the ground AE Pulse rifle, scout, side arm/sub experiment we are having. The other classes need to be tuned to match or it needs to be toned down. Where are its drawbacks? Previously it seemed like Titan identity and power came from exceedingly powerful exotics on a similar scaffolding. Warlocks had powerful abilities tailored for support or enemy suppression with exotics to enhance or modify their powers. Hunters movement allowed for a consistently agile but highly predictable set of actions on each class. Their exotics augmenting their dodge or enhancing gunskill. [u]Has this approach to design been abandoned?[/u] How do you explain One eyed Mask at it's conception vs say a Worm Husk and Foe Tracer? Titans weren't as agile so it was ok their exotic tracked through walls, healed, gave a damage boost, over shield. So on and so forth. But now we are all fast... Some more than others. So wtf is going on? You understand usage and effectiveness and have access to the data, the disparity of power has drifted far from rock paper scissors counters. It doesn't seem like you even want to acknowledge Arc Titan before Strand and that feels like a mistake. Citans with pulse arc nades missile knockback chain lightning. Hunters didn't scream their identity was lost when everyone could now dodge on every class. Warlocks were furious to see their grenades and abilities show up in fragments when everyone has shared. Where is the feigned ire about balance now? Your storm nades are more powerful in Titan than anything you ever had. Do you only hate seeing lots of Hunters even when they aren't as effective unless using the pure cheese of Kepri. The stat distributions, the buff to resil (that needed to happen but now creates new problems), the oversaturated ability spam (abilities should be there and lend identity, but are still too common), the exotics with the nature of 3.0 being overwhelming in some places and underwhelming in others is making for a strange experience. Primary's are nice, if not over tuned to try to get away from HC meta without nerfing the crap out of them again, (NO ONE LEAVING SPAWN), but the AE crap baked in after the fact with Titans absolutely dominating most scenarios is stupid.



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