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由CraftierUD編輯: 12/18/2022 10:00:00 PM

PVE: Expanding Shadebinder's & Revenant's weapon choice/Grim Harvest tweak.

TL:DR, Shadebinder makes 3 shards on its own, Behemoth makes 5 shards on its own, Revenant makes 1-4[i] w/ assistance[/i] and needs a tweak. Behemoth is the only one with a purple primary synergy trait. Anyone whos played stasis hunter will know that the base recharge of the Whispering Blades is extremely abysmal without the use of Grim Harvest, Whisper of Hunger or Gambler's Dodge end up giving them no utility in PVE as they hit 1 maybe 4 red bars sometimes not killing them and lets be honest; Slow in PVE sucks worse then pre-nerf Prometheus Lens with how short it last or ineffective it is. Whisper of Durance can widen this window greatly but when was the last time you've seen a hunter running Winter's Shroud in PVE? This really narrows the options for Revenant to make use of Grim Harvest as you need to slow or freeze the target without killing them before hand in order to make use of other fragments and mods such as Whisper of Rime and Elemental Shards. What is worse with WOH is that it also takes away 10 mobility, the stat the hunter is built around, reducing the amount of times you can dodge and get more shuriken's AND reducing how many times you can deploy Winter's Shroud (Why is not -20 Strength instead anyway like Echo of Undermining?). This leads into Revenants reliance on stasis weapons such as Ager's Scepter, Cryosthesia and Chill Clip; A very VERY small selection when it comes to full loadout synergy compared to other subclasses. Basically an exotic or[i] Special[/i] weapon that reduces how often you can get mass shard generation, Shadebinder can also fall under this category of relying on specific/low ammo weapons to make many shards. As the classes perform through my experience: Shadebinder: Specialized in Freezing with Glacial Harvest, had a recent change in cooldown from 15 to 10 thus making more shards. Already has many tools to freeze instantly. Behemoth: Specialized in Stasis Crystals with Tectonic Harvest, never had any issues due to the sheer amount of crystals they can create. It can take advantage of Headstone VERY well turning it into a shard factory. Revenant: Specialized in Slowing and Reaping due to Grim Harvest but the opportunities are far and few with how little it happens without the use of specific weapons/mods. ---My pitch is to have Grim Harvest to also include Shatter Kills, enemies defeated by the "Slicesplosion" from a crystal or frozen enemy. This would allow hunters to make more use of Headstone and have a [i]Primary[/i] weapon that can synergize very well that's not an exotic. This would obviously not stack with the slow or frozen kill as to keep the field clear of a shard flood. If it does come to be too much we can also slap a cooldown on it of say...... 8-12 secs for 10 shards. --While were on Headstone; we could also expand the freezing radius of a crystal SLIGHTLY so that Shadebinder could also get some more use out of it (by about 1 meter I guess). Or hell make a new stasis primary perk that can slow enemies somehow (Cause a slow splash with a kill from the hip maybe?). I think to put my words more simply: Revenant is falling behind in shard creation, Behemoth has a super synergizing Primary Legendary weapon, why can't Shadebinder and Revenant have one?



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