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12/3/2022 2:37:02 PM
There was a whole lot of good and interesting stuff in the twab, the only thing I can think of for gjallarhorn is that it makes almost every other rocket launcher close to irrelevant. And its supposed to be basically the ultimate rocket launcher so just making an even more ultimate rocket launcher would mess with that and also not solve the problem. There's a lot of different cool perks like chain reaction and stuff that roll on other rls but even so in terms of potency there's not as much reason to use them right now outside of freeing up an exotic slot. Even in PvP where the previous nerfs are pretty noticeable you don't really see people running a different rl outside of... I'm so bad with names... the void one that rains nova bomb balls.



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  • Deathbringer (Deathsong Rocket launcher) and I get that. The best thing G-horn does is Gove non-exotic Launchers it's special thing: Wolfpack Rounds I'd argue that already makes G-horn unforgettable. They could nerf that damage (it's free damage) but if I'm running Solo then I now feel "why would I use G-horn?" That's the only reason I don't get why they hit it so hard and the way they did



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  • 由A_mo編輯: 12/3/2022 2:57:27 PM
    Its embarrassing to admit but I forced myself to sit here and try to remember what it was called until you answered it for me so thank you for freeing me. I always can't remember it because it starts with D and I keep wanting to call it divinity even though I know its not that. But of course I know that's wrong because there's no way someone's not going to know what divinity is these days. I like using other rocket launchers when they get wolfpack rounds from ghorn in gambit, which is about the only time that happens for me because I don't raid, its a really cool feeling when that happens. I honestly just think they want to make room for other things and like they said the heavy slot is kind of weird because it has things that are just automatic picks that are super powerful and things in it that just don't see a lot of usage even though they're really interesting weapons. So maybe its more a part of the overall restructuring they mentioned they wanted to do with heavies.



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  • Been there 😆 As a 31 yr old with memory loss (likely CTE) I couldn't remember the name of my favorite weapon in D1: No Land Beyond



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  • 由A_mo編輯: 12/3/2022 4:24:52 PM
    I somewhat consider it a good thing because its partially the result of the fact that there's so many weapons in this game these days. That's one that always gets me though for some reason. Maybe because I don't have it.



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  • 由Yoder023編輯: 12/3/2022 10:23:12 PM
    I got it, unimpressed The catalyst makes it awesome, but the by the time all damage happens, I could have used my Legendary "lasting impression" Launcher, and keep using 4th Horseman cuz I have a problem 😆 🤣



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