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11/16/2022 2:18:18 AM

Lost Sectors NEED to be useful again

I think it's no secret by now that Destiny's list of exotics has drastically expanded over many seasons and years. Bungie has also gone to creating 3 new exotics each season, 1 for each class, and has made lost sectors the key method to obtaining them. For quite a while now lost sectors have been the main source of farming exotics along with GMs. However, lost sectors are INCREDIBLY unrewarding at the moment. With the sheer amount of exotics in the game, it is incredibly rare to get the exotic you want to drop from lost sectors. Especially with good stat distribution. Pair this with the 20% drop rate on legend lost sectors and the 25% drop rate on master sectors, it's unbearable trying to farm for exotics. Bungie NEEDS to make lost sectors more rewarding for exotics. I, along with most likely the whole community, desire lost sectors to be more forgiving. I'm tired of the countless hours spent running the same bland lost sectors just to get an enhancement core or even nothing for 20 runs in a row. Master lost sectors are an even bigger waste of time than legend due to them being much more difficult and time consuming, just for around a 5% drop difference. I propose that Bungie either: 1. Increase the drop rate for legend sectors to around 40-50% and Master to around 75-80%. 2. Make some sort of relic to slot in runes to increase the drop rate of a desired exotic on clear (Like Menagerie, doesn't have to be guaranteed drop). 3. Scrap the lost sector system all together and make a more efficient and fun method for farming exotics. I prefer the 2nd option the most, but anything the gets me an exotic at least every other clear makes me happy.



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  • 由More Power編輯: 12/2/2022 4:18:32 PM
    Here’s what I learned about Lost Sectors and armor exotics… I have every exotic armor piece for all three characters except for a single Titan chest piece. I’ve not seriously sought the LS armor exotics till recently. I’ve done a few Master completions, but only for the personal challenge. I do Legend for armor. If after 5-6 runs I don’t get what I want, I do something else. It’s a waste of my time to keep going. I’m told that doing the same thing over and over again with the same result is the definition of insanity… Sometimes, just trying it another day makes all the difference. Recently, I got 4 pieces of new to me exotic armor in 5 runs (2 on one character and 2 on another). I’ve also had enough dud days to know it’s highly unpredictable. When you do get an “on” day, run all your characters that need that armor. When running repeats, I switch up the loadouts and armor a little each time, and try new ways to do it. This helps keep it interesting. This is how I learned that my Gnawing Hunger was awesome in LS runs where there are void shields. I also use my favorite heavy machine gun, the solar legendary Avalanche. I’ve had this with many different rolls, but this one with SPO-28 front sight, extended mag (70 rounds), auto loading holster (it reloads fast) and Vorpal is better than any HMG I’ve had yet, exotic or legendary. I rarely use any other heavy. It’s awesome everywhere, especially for situations like the Nightfall Glassway shank plate. Most of my LS bosses are killed with it. Btw, you gotta try the LS bosses with your Hunter/Lucky Pants/Malfeasance…



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