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由Spawn編輯: 11/22/2022 10:00:11 PM

User Mr. Dash brought up a valid point and I'm wondering if Bungie will help raise awareness around Movember?

It appears the posts of user Mr. Dash got met with ninja justice but he still raised a valid point. Given that it is Movember, I'd like to ask Bungie to help spread awareness about the pispoor mental health the vast majority of men suffer from. Often resulting in suicide where men make up the most of suicide victims. These men are part of all walks of life. It's not exclusive to a minority. It's the struggle of all men regardless of -blam!- preference or ethnicity. Bungie, will you help us men out and help spread awareness? I'm not asking for any ingame type of rewards but just to help spread awareness through your social platforms. On a personal note: I've struggled with demons of the past and bad life choices. I was weak, vulnerable and drowned my worries in drugs and alcohol. I struggled for many years right up untill the part that it hit me: no one will help me if I don't ask for it or if I don't step up and prove the ones wrong that brought me down. I left the bad habits behind, cut ties with toxic people and started over. I'm now successful in my career, I'm saving up for my retirement, I own my house and paid for it all by myself and have a great family life going with some awesome kids and a lovely gf. If you're struggling at this moment: Eyes up Guardian, you got this! Reach out and get the help you deserve!



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