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11/17/2022 8:41:48 AM

Looking for Active Destiny 2 Clan.

Looking for clan to joined to do in-game content. Clan must be active. I play almost daily. Ive Played since D1. Looking to have fun and shoot the sh*t. I try to game with people that are better than me. The only way that you can get better just a game with people that are better than you. That's how I got my "Column 7" metal on D2. Learn from them and then come up with your own strategy, for your play style.



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  • Hey ImUrNemeziz! I think you’d really like Bulletheads. Our motto is “All are Welcome” and we have a huge community on all platforms, so no worries for whichever you prefer. You’ll find lots of helpful, friendly people that are willing to train on just about any activity D2 has to offer. We're active with a lot of players that group for content such as Raids, PvP, gambit, or seasonal stuff. While we require Discord, don’t worry if you’re new to it! We’ll help you get you set up and learn how to best use Discord. Come check us out and message me if you have any questions!



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  • Hello we are a chill laid back clan who likes to have fun and are not super strict! Im a gamer chick thats been running the clan sense D1 we meet all our weekly clan achievements! All we ask is that you join up and play with the clan once every 2 weeks at least and use discord for communication. We dont ask for much but to help each other and play with the clan when you can, I know we all have lifes and Destiny is supposed to be here to have fun not a chore. I have 8 admins, GM, Raid, Trial and Dungeon leaders who love to help new players and put events together! We have couples, new members who are learning and families in the clan from 18 and up mainly most of us are in our late 20s, 30s and some older! Mainly we are xbox EST but we have everything psn, steam and a some people from UK and Australia even! If you are interested message me or reply to post! We would love to have you join the clan family! 🤘💓



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  • ]Hey still looking for a clan if you are here are my requirements •Must have discord •18+ We are NA West Discord Username: MusicFreak#3183



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  • All Platform is welcome to join Instant Death Instant Death is a clan that help everyone in the clan to complete endgame such as Raid, Grandmaster Nightfall, Dungeon. we also run crucible activities. Rules: 18+ -Discord is mandatory because we communicate to setup clan events such as Raid, GM Nightfall, Dungeon daily. -There are no strict rules requirements at all to join this clan. -Respect each other and have fun playing the game. -We teach Raid, Dungeon, GM Nightfall. -Friendly and chill clan that enjoy playing the game. -All timezone are welcome -PM me if you like to join



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