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11/10/2022 3:48:49 PM

Titan solar aspect : Consecration

I think conscrection's melee attack looks really cool, and it scorches and all, but in pve it's no match compared to Sol Invictus healing you and Roaring Flames buffing your abilities' damage. However, a cool buff that could happen to consecration would be to enable to do a shoulder charge attack while in super, for the throwing hammers super for example, as it was on Destiny 1. It would make the aspect a competitive option for pvp, and could probably serve some purpose inside of PVE. Just a thought I had when wondering about what aspects to choose for my Sunbreaker titan. Let me know what you think of it



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  • I don’t think you understand what consecration is actually capable of. With literally no actual building effort, as in literally just putting on Synthoceps or wormgod’s and keeping your roaring flames up, consecration can dish out hundreds of thousands of damage for free. It utterly nukes everything that isn’t a straight up boss.



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