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由Schmuck編輯: 11/6/2022 5:35:16 AM

[Salt and Coping] Duality Gripes and Design

I'm mostly a solo player but I do participate in group activities. For shytes and giggles I grabbed a checkpoint for Master Caital after a pause on Master Duality. I'm a Titan main and only recently masterworked my warlock. I was able to solo normal Duality and although Solar Hammer Titan is the pinnacle of easy survivability, it greatly emphasises how disadvantaged the other classes are. When I solo'ed Warlock Duality at Caital, I was having an absolute struggle coming up with builds that are as strong and convinient as Hammer Titan, ad clear, major clear, and healing. I'm not the best but I am good and it took a few weeks of frustration to finally easily beat Caital. ** So as aforementioned, I tried Titan Master Caital solo. And the pains I went through from warlock is reflected here as well. And the pain isn't necessarily from my build, but feom the game mechanics and design. * • Incinerator packs are an absolute hazard and the danger imposed by them are very INCONSISTENT. A very bad term for endgame/hard content. - Killing incinerators without precision doesn't guarantee the packs do not detonate. I can hammer their bodies, or killed them from body shot shield break and there is a chance, their packs will detonate. - Hazardous packs from dead Incinerators on the ground do not always detonate from splash damage, regardless of how close they are from the splash source. Shield breaks, pack detonations, Caital stomp are all sources that can detonate them but do not consistently do so. - Physics of the packs when stomped are also inconsisent as they can range from being slightly disturbed to being sent flying across (many times towards you, lol) * • Game environmental design and physics both work together against you. And I do not know if the developers intentionally do this, especially after Reckoning. - Solo Caital is a very rushing experience that demands the shortest route, and often riskiest route. Incinerator blasts, Caital stop, and lack of outside walls ensures that any air time can result in unrecoverable* death. Worst still for my Warlock players. And with how fast Caital moves, sometimes you have to walk in her path to ensure she doesnt rush the bell. And if that means walking outside during the first DPS phase where she moves to the side, that can be a 50/50 GG. - Certain tricks you can play against the game mechanics/engines arent something taught to you, and is usually something that enhances* your gameplay, not necessitated*. Using melee lunge can counter being pushed back by the slippery mechanics but because you have two Incinerators and Caital, that isnt something you can reliably count on. But with the lack of walls, or short walls, you sort of need to rely* on them, and I dont like when a game is designed in a manner that necessitates them in a way (feel free to counterpoint, my ears are open) Especially when you are pushed away from activating the bell, hahahaha. - The walls of the lower path is also designed poorly imo. For my warlock and hunter players, you cannot hug the wall and try to jump over it because the rounded protusion causes your jump to be pushed away. This has cost me many runs and DPS phases during my solo Warlock. As pretty as the game is designed, sometimes I feel like some gameplay elements are overlooked or ignored as a result. ~~~ Now that all is said and done, I really hope my points are considered in some way, regardless of whether this is coming from a somewhat solo, elitist-esque player thinking he has a good time solo master duality, or even normal, because he knows all the littlest tricks that mixmax stats and gameplay. Duality really felt like Reckoning 2.0 whereby I'm fighting against something that I cant control or counter with consistency*, that beung the physics of the game and pushed off a cliff. The counters before Caital are ok, but not Caital. I'm gonna hydrate myself to flush myself of all the excess salt I have from this experience. Peace ✌️



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