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10/13/2022 7:01:36 AM

Looking for new active friendly clan members in South east asia. We are mostly malaysian and singaporean here.

Astronix X is recruiting. So join our discord, socialize, seek help or answer lfg help, you will be recruited once we get to know you. Our clan members are active with multiple raids, pvp , and co-op events. We are an active and passionate Asian clan form from Malaysian and Singaporeans. We strive for a healthy and positive clan by following a simple principle of helping each other grow. The drive to help each other will cultivate the culture of a healthy community. We actively sherpa new raiders with no experience as long you have the patient for it. So join our big family. "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give" , Winston Churchill. We are all on PC platforms mostly, some xbox and some ps5, most of us are Malaysian and Singaporean, we speak fluent English and Malay. Join our discord: Discord Server - ASTRONIX X Destiny 2 PC Server



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