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由Temptation編輯: 10/6/2022 7:39:22 PM

A forum should not look like this.

Take a month, delay Lightfall, and fix. your. game. There should NOT be thousands or even hundreds for that matter of posts every single day about different issues in the game, 99% of which go unaddressed. <- Big problem. I really really do want to like this game and I know people will say "well part of Destiny is the bugs", it shouldnt be. It really shouldnt be. We all pay for finished products, items we can use and modes and activities we can play. A forum page for a game, even an MMO (which you claim you arent) shouldnt look like this. Take some people off a team or hire some new interns and go through this forum. You look at the big streamers or random blueberries on Twitter to make quality of life "improvements" when you should be looking here. It seems simple but you dont do it. Please, from the Destiny community to the Development team, fix your game.



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