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9/29/2022 12:27:56 AM

Ruffians and Triumph design

Enough being said about how bad Ruffian spawn and kill requirement is. It's a counter logical and counter intuitive mechanic that completionist players are forced to engage with. I'm not entirely sure if bungie had some idea behind it, or they have some sort of maniac lurk in their office making triumphs such as "Kill 250 champions in Expeditions". Seriously, who came up with that? Why? We are going to play your game even without this mindless absurd grind fest that requires you to grief your team or intentionally not do anything to make them spawn. Please, just for the love of everything that is holy, do not make triumphs like that anymore. I'm at around 100 champion killed and this is really demotivating having to farm that. Can hardly feel triumphant doing it either. I hope that community will convey their frustration with this mechanic in some way shape or form to bungie and we will never have to see this nonsense of an achievement again. One can hope.



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