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由CyruzThaViruz編輯: 9/17/2022 2:04:17 PM

Not Playing the rest of the game until I get Touch Of Malice

Locking exotics behind 2% raid drop rates is killing this game totally. Wasn't it enough we grinded D1 KF million times for god roll Auto Rifle and now we have to grind KF to get what I think is an essential weapon at some point in this game, you gotta have Malice for this and that. But if it's gonna drop on the 63:rd run like the VEX did then this game can go to HELL. I just got into D2 after a long while and think the game is getting much better, like D1 actually but these shady loot drops making this game as a freaking lottery. How many of us are not touching any other content until we get the stupid Touch Of Trash?? You are killing your own game Bungie!!! I'll give it one more week of my precious time. If it doesn't drop next week I have no desire to ever touch this shady -blam!- game!!



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