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9/16/2022 5:37:45 AM

Week 1 of Asking for a Chaos Reach Buff

Hey y'all, Decided to start posting ideas for buffing Chaos Reach every week until Bungie tweaks Chaos Reach (+ Geomags) or says they're not going to, for my own amusement. Let's see how long this lasts until I crack. Week 1 Idea: Pretty basic for the first time around. Just buff the damage significantly (~30% maybe) and restore some of its ability to save ability energy between casts outside of Crucible. Have a great week, maybe see ya next TWAB



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  • 由AubsTheBelieber編輯: 9/16/2022 6:57:49 PM
    What people don't get is Coas Reach is [b]horrible[/b] because the time versus the damage is off. In the time I do a choas reach I could have done over 700k with Stormchaser shots instead, and Choas Reach does less than that on the same raid boss for the long time you are standing there with your -blam!- in your hand. Look at Blade Barrage, Nova Bomb or Thundercash, instantly drops anywhere from -blam!--900k (900k with Star Eaters). Choas Reach drops 400k at best in the long time you are standing there aiming it and missing out on real damage from another super or Taipan or Stormchaser etc. And this is with Geomags. Without Geomags it is crap. Supers shouldn't NEED an exotic to be less than decent. The damage should at least match Blade Barrage, even though one is instant, and one can take up to 10 seconds with Geomags. If not, Choas Reach should be the most damage in the game, for the fact it takes the most time out of you using something else for damage. And before you think, "well Stormchaser is worse!" Or others. Stormchaser, Novawarp, Spectral Blades, Hammers, etc are roaming supers not meant for dps. They are for roaming around killing people in PVP. Choas Reach is a boss dps, nonuseful in PVP super. Time it acts like it.



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