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9/12/2022 5:32:58 PM

Update the buffs hud indicators

Can you update the buff indicators in which more than 4 buffs are showing at time, With the new 3.0 classes a TON of buffs have been introduced and with that, it shed a light on the HUD problem that’s been in the game for years, maybe a solution to that would be that you could make the indicators unlimited? So that i can see ALL the buffs that i have on my guardian while playing, ie: i run a solar build that makes me activate a couple of Buffs like: Radiant, Restoration, Charged with Light, Font of Might (Solar Damage Bonus) and etc at the same time, and i can only see 4 of them Active at the same time, when they are in fact probably 7 or 8 buffs that are active!, so i hope to see the hud updated in a way that wont make it obnoxious or distracting, but perfected and organized.



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