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由SkinPoppeR編輯: 9/9/2022 2:48:26 PM

Bungie should fix Halo franchise

Why not? Think about it, Bungie. You want to prove to the world that you’re a Live Service company? Fix Halo. It’s just money and contracts for you now anyway. Imagine the press: “Bungie offers Microsoft Live Service support for Halo.” The crowd would go wild. You’re gonna be developing Live Service games for Sony for the next 10 years anyway. Why not? Why not give gamers exactly what they want. It’s Halo. And no matter what we the fans of Halo will continue to love Halo. I just think it would be great PR and a great way for you to prove you have what it takes to run Sony’s Live Service Department. Your baby needs you! Fix Halo for the fans and we’ll love you for it.



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