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8/31/2022 9:58:37 PM

We need some more VA's for put gaurdian, and they NEED more voice lines

Since shadowkeep out gaurdian has only kept 1 VA(forgive me I don't know his name) it used to be unique to exos til the human VA, Matt mercer, felt he wasn't being paid enough. Therefore bungie let him go and stuck to just the exo VA Mind you I'm mainly talking about the male voice here, the female VA does a great job The exo male VA does a great job for the exo , but for a human his voice does not fit at all, a rugged robot voice doesn't suit a delicate awoke face. The VA doesn't convey much emotion, example in the witch queen cutscenes, its like someone's just reading lines as opposed to being shocked, or exhausted, or -blam!-. Either start correctly paying your voice actors or bring in some new ones. And then a more important topic , the amount our gaurdian/ghost talks Our gaurdian was in a room with 3 other characters, helmetless, and was asked a direct question, and ALL they did was nod. Not even a "let's do it". Our ghost has had nothing to say either, no seasonal dialog when characters are bickering. Not even a response to anything anyone says about our gaurdian or a "we've got them on the run" Granted people used to be annoyed and how often out ghost talked FOR us, but we still need some semblance that he exists while we're digging up relics of darkness. Even if it was 3 lines a season for our gaurdian or a couple repeated lines from our ghost, anything would really add some character to our gaurdian



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