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由Stormtroopaahh編輯: 8/30/2022 10:56:41 PM

Wish new exotics weren’t locked behind farming lost sectors

It’s nice to have the solo lost sectors as a way to farm for specific exotics, but I wish they weren’t the only way to obtain the new exotics each season. I main Titan and I’ve been keeping up with doing them on my Titan each season to get the new exotic right away, but haven't been doing so on my Hunter or Warlock. Now my Hunter and Warlock are 2 or 3 exotics behind on some of the slots so it could take me hours depending on the rng just to get the exotics from previous seasons first before I’m even able to grind for the new ones. I think it would be nice if the new exotics were also obtainable from the exotic engram loot pool so that way you would have a chance at getting the new stuff on secondary characters without having to grind lost sectors. Even just having previous seasons exotics being added to the loot pool after the new season begins would be nice.



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  • I miss the excitement of seeing that gleaming bright yellow engram sitting there. Continually popping “three of coins” to increase my chances. And the killer anticipation, wondering if it was going to be the piece that you were looking for. Now I just run the same lost sector over and over again. Sometimes wasting hours for a piece that I will never use; just want to complete the collection. I pretty much stopped doing it on my hunter and titan. Sad.



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    • 由HiddenAlignment編輯: 9/1/2022 9:08:53 PM
      I miss the days where the majority of new exotics were very rare and could be obtained anywhere, so it felt like you were being randomly rewarded simply for playing what you like. You’d either be surprised and ask yourself “ooooh, what’s this?” or excited and say “oh my god, I got it!”. I also loved how back in D1 when there was no collection tabs, every exotic felt mysterious and fresh, so you’d have fun testing them out for yourself to see what they do. Now that they’re rare and only obtainable from a specific source on a specific day, it really just feels like you’re doing chores for the sake of a single item rather than simply getting surprised by a drop that you wanted or never knew you wanted. IMO, earning exotics shouldn’t be just like grinding for legendaries.



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      • Probably one of the worst parts of doing these lost sectors say on Master is not getting the exotic and when you do, its a 58 or 59 roll..Bungie are very out of touch with their own game



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        • I honestly preferred having the 15 solid weekly chances in d1 y1. It incentivised doing raids and nightfalls and therefore made reset day a thing of beauty. This notion of infinitely farming lost sectors removes all the anticipation and joy. When said exotic finally drops, my general reaction is "right, finally" when really it should be "omg omg omgggg yessss!" When was the last time you got an exotic drop and actually felt excited?



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        • Better than being locked behind world drop rng, just stfu and go get in ez in lost sector



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          • Legend and master lost sectors suck



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          • They need to get rid of the light level requirement it serves absolutely no purpose since light level is pointless when you're equal to or above the light level (if it's already not made pointless when some activities make enemies stronger regardless of the listed light level).



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          • Lazy



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          • I feel like we all would get more use out of farming lost sectors if we could select what specific piece we wanted after completion i.e.( if it's arms day show us all the available arms for the specific class, and let us pick the one were looking for.)



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          • Getting to the point its not worth it since now they disable/nerf them b4 anyone can even get them( see new titan arms)



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          • I collect a couple of seasons worth of exotics and do it like that. I got this season Titan exotic but still need that solar OP piece. What’s the point? I got this new exotic and Bungie disabled it. This way I am not upset and get them in final version. But yeah, make them rare like in D1. You were super excited when you finally got that exotic.



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          • 由xilxad編輯: 9/1/2022 7:23:33 PM
            I took the end of last season, after i was max power and there wasn’t much to do, and got about ten or eleven done in one week. It was a blast, way better than another gambit match! I had all the warlock exotics but had fallen way behind on the other two. This season i already grabbed all three new ones. And from my understanding, i’ll even be able to use the new titan arms when i log in today. It had been disabled



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          • I'm okay if they stay exclusive to lost sectors. But after their respective season, they should go into the pool to make way for new ones.



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            • I'd be alright if the lost sector exclusive exotics where the only exotics that dropped. I'm pretty sure that the loot pool leans towards what you don't have but after that, farming for one specific stat roll becomes more RNG than I want. Wouldn't mind an RNG increase for exotics too but I suppose it can't be THAT easy.



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            • Once you get the exotics from the lost sector it be comes a world drop.



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            • 由Wanderer編輯: 9/1/2022 12:40:52 AM
              It has made lost sectors such a tiresome hollow experience. Doing it over and over and getting nothing but glimmer hoping for some -blam!- yellow drop. Way to kill the thrill of the chase there. Job well done.



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            • I think that after a year of an exotic being in a lost sector it should be added to xurs loot pool



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              • I don’t think I’ve gotten a single exotic since they’ve been gated behind lost sectors. Even completing the lost sector doesn’t guarantee anything.



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              • Seriously!!! I don't have at least half the exotic armor...because farming lost sectors is like grinding my face on a grinding's painful and takes forever, while 95% of the time I don't get anything worthwhile out of it. I don't want to spend an entire day doing something over and over again and getting nothing out of it. Bring back exotic quests and make some for armor. Give me steps to do, and maybe 1 of those steps is complete a legendary lost sector or something. But when they put it up to drop rate RNG pretty much guaranteed I am not going to get it to drop without wasting an insane amount of time.



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              • I've gotten everything on legend. Within 2-3 runs. It's super easy.



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              • They should implement them into playlists or make them quests. A new armor piece as a rank reset reward for Gambit or Vanguard activities might be nice.



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              • not sure what part you was missing, the skydock on earth before this reset was awesome i wqs missing 2 arms for my hunter & titan , i did one master flawless for thr triumph and the rest legends, i was able to get all armors.



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              • 2
                Guardian,Archon Of Light
                Guardian,Archon Of Light

                Blade Of The Traveler -

                Imagine If lost sectors had there own loot , unique to each lost sector And new exotic armor be put in Master Nightfalls,Raids, Survival,and Trials where they belong



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                • I find them too difficult to do and I don’t have the time to take hours trying these days. But I don’t have a problem with that. I’ve ground out some things in the past and it’s immensely satisfying. You should get loot other people don’t have for putting effort in and being skilled.



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                • Farming lost sectors for the new exotics are perfect, just because you fall behind on collecting them doesn’t mean it’s bad. What’s bad is doing pinnacles/powerful rewards and hoping they turn into an exotic drop and it gives you the exotic you were missing. Took me over a month to get the last exotic when it was adding to the world loot pool. Literally takes between 2 mins - 2 hours to get the new exotics now from a lost sector



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                • I don't mind it since once you get one new it adds it to the normal pools. The only part I hate is grinding for the perfect stat roll of said wanted exotic piece. If I could I would spend a whole -blam!- ascendant shard to re-roll the one I already have



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