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由Porg編輯: 8/13/2022 10:25:44 AM

Feedback For PvP

Ok just diving right in pvp has felt so stale/bad to play, gunplay feels more sluggish thanks to the AE/slide changes, damage resistance/healing is out of control and overall there's just nothing to do. AE/Slide problems/solutions: so AE got shipped half baked with not having ways to build into it and just letting the community test it, overall the majority of players don't like this change, it felt like a fix to something that wasn't a problem however they've spent resources on it so it wont be reverted so a solution that would make this system a 1000 times better would be to make base ae(for primaries)where it was before or slightly below so round about 40-50 base ae for primaries(Icarus is supposed to be around 60AE). This would make players feel like there not forced to build into it heavily just so they can shoot in air. Special weapons will still have low ae so you wont get one shotted whilst there mid air. Additionally the extra flinch when sliding still needs to be removed, flinch isn't fun for anyone. Damage resistance/healing problems/solutions: solar 3.0 dropped and brought in classy restoration(it leaves in a few weeks thank god) and heal grenades that grant you restoration and this has completely ruined gunfights, instead of 'skill' being the factor to who wins the gunfight its now who has a heal grenade or who's running loreley. Simple fix for it would be allow restoration be interrupted like normal regen or make it so its a very slow regen so it doesn't alter engagements. As for damage resistance there should be [b][u]no damage resistance[/u][/b] in pvp other than super damage resistance, alters ttks and just like restorations its who has damage resistance in a engagement wins, overall its not fun and shouldn't be in a pvp mode especially when there's life based modes (trials and survival). So damage resistance got addressed in the twab however it won't be enough omni will still make primaries obsolete but at least its a start, id personally only allow resistance to be up to 7.5% instead of 10% but im sure we will see more on this topic in the future. Nothing to do in PVP: so this is just a issue with the core playlists being neglected (for the seasonal content) and not receiving love/updates for multiple seasons, comp rework is coming so i hope its just a ranked system that is very punishing and only rewards players with cosmetics so high tier players have a mode to live in instead of qp (also freelance should be reworked to be rumble top 3 people get score).



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  • Airborne Effectivess is a new way to customize your character. It gives players an incentive to use underutilized exotic amors and weapons. It helps standardize Airborne accuracy, and the next update will make the stat viewable on weapons. Finally, if you spec into it, you can become more accurate in the air than ever before. Flinch while sliding makes sense considering that sliding from cover was the dominant form of play for a long time. It is still dominant, but now there are some minor disadvantages to doing so. There have always been abilities that counter primary weapons in the Crucible, such as Healing Rift and Healing Grenades. Why are you complaing about things that have been in the game for years?



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