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lock 此討論串因為行為準則已被忍者們鎖定。
7/28/2022 12:15:24 PM

Please include the CoC violating content in a "your post has been taken down" message when violating the CoC. The Post Creator otherwise can't see what was inapproriate.

One of my post got taken down a few hours ago, probably for good reason. However, since the informing message in the inbox doesn't include the violating text passage and only states the category reason why this post has been taken down, I have no idea what I did wrong within that post. Also, since the post is locked, the creator can't see its headline and content anymore. This doesn't help improving posting at all. Like, how do I know I am not violating the CoC right now? How do I know in the future what I shouldn't do? Without the information of "what exactly you did wrong" you can't learn from your mistakes. All this does is increase the general fear of posting at all in the forums and receiving a ban for doing so. Also, it is not easy to get contact to the Ninjas (Forum Moderators) to ask back who and why the post was taken down. So asking the person who did took it down the post is ALSO NO OPTION. In other forums I use, when a post gets taken down (which happens there rarely) I get also a message included what was the offensive/violating content. Since I can't use an actual example here, I will make a placeholder example. It could look like this: [i]Warning Code of Conduct violation category "public nameshaming / violation of privacy". Your post has been taken down due to violation of the code of conduct. The offensive content was: [b]... quote from the text post[/b]. Future violations will result in a (temporary) ban from the forums[/i] Something like that would be already enough to inform the user what they did wrong. Is it too much asked for to know what was the violation in detail to learn from the mistakes made instead of just getting told "yeah, you violated the CoC. future violations will get you banned" without useful context to the violation?



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