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原先發佈於: Catalyst Boost Alpha+Omega
由dc213baseball編輯: 7/26/2022 7:18:56 PM
No. The quest boosts now only work for the current expansion exotics (so for now, that’s the exotic from season of haunted & season of risen). The boosts don’t apply to anything before that. Therefore, this isn’t a bug…unlike the dreamwork perk & other things.



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  • You do understand that it still applies to how that creates fomo and such still right? Read the whole post. Part of it was what you said. Part of it is if that's not a feature it should be. It still applies that something like that should be worked on over some of their fixes that they're doing.



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  • And Bungie back then (when Ticuu’s was the new thing) had already talked about how FOMO was a real thing. Then, that director left & Bungie has moved away from some of that FOMO aspect of things (such as catalyst boosts apply to all current season pass exotics, the season content staying around for the year of the expansion, etc). So, to your point, i DID read your entire post but only chose to comment on certain part(s)…..since not all of it is bugged, and your claim of what you thought should be happening is incorrect.



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  • Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it's not a problem bud. Also if we're going on about fixes that should happen how about how overload grenades were broken all season? Still not fixed. Yet they fixed Dream Work in a week LOL. Don't be a Bungie fanboy



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  • 1. How do you know what does/doesn’t apply to me in these situations? Have I told you about my history? No. Didn’t think so. 2. I agree that some things are more important that should be a priority. However, I don’t know what level of digging into the code each of these requires. Maybe the dreamwork fix is much easier than finding out why the grenades aren’t working. Sure, I know Bungie had said their previous patch was supposed to fix it but it didn’t (just like several other fixes in history havent worked). 3. So you shouldn’t speak to me like you know me, because you don’t. Just because I debunk your thoughts about the catalyst progress doesn’t mean I’m a fanboy.



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  • No it's the fact that you're sitting here wasting your time on my post that tells me that lol. By the way you're trying to -blam!- on it kind of tells me that it doesn't affect you otherwise you'd either care more or be more empathetic about it. Anyways I'm done because honestly my post isn't meant for you nor do I care what you say. You see it one way and I see it another. Have a good day friend!



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  • Kid just stop



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  • Lol the fact that y'all go outta your way to look up forum posts XD



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  • Not that hard considering bungee doesn't look elsewhere



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  • I’m not wasting my time. I was trying to inform you of your inaccuracies, yet you failed to comprehend anything I wrote. And the fact that I’ve got nearly double your game time should help you understand that I’ve been affected probably by a lot more than you. Maybe read my replies fully before commenting next time. Oh, I’m not your friend!



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