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由Neckbearrd編輯: 7/10/2022 2:39:52 AM

Xim and Chronus Users Ruining PVP Experience for Many

This is a subject that I hope gets the attention of Bungie and I know it’s a known issue. There are 10’s of thousands of players(if not more) that dedicate a large amount of hours to “get good” at Destiny PVP whether it be Trials, Competitive, or Iron Banner all to run into a player or players that are clearly using mouse and keyboard with controller aim assist, or have their built in mods to create 0 flinch or limited recoil. These devices do more but for the sake of moving toward the point, I digress. Some players don’t know about these devices, others don’t use them for obvious moral reasons. When these users are encountered it’s an almost unbearable experience and yes I’ve played enough high level destiny to know the difference between someone good vs someone who has 100 percent headshots for hundreds of kills on their beloved. Bungie has once addressed this, and honestly it was hardly noticeable. A developer commented on a tweet saying she uses one of these devices becuase she is disabled. What I gathered from this is Bungie will not further address the issue because they do not wish to ostracize their disabled users. Here’s the thing, disabled guardians that use third party devices that assist in their experience are not the problem. The users who are well and able that also use third party devices are the problem. Do not try to fool yourself or the community into thinking that this is a small population of players doing this, these devices are constantly on back order, mods are made specifically for Destiny 2 for almost any weapon. Lots of people are using these devices. In my opinion Bungie needs to take a stance on these devices, one way or the other. Either it’s cheating or it’s not, a fair compromise would be a level playing field for all players. Bungie you are a multi million dollar company with more resources than a small city, maybe the answer is to start weeding out people who are clearly using these devices, though they are undetectable to anti cheat software you could still investigate the folks with a 1.15 lifetime KD that suddenly went from 60 percent crits to high 90s in 1 season with a swipe of a credit card. I would even go as far as speculating a sharp increase in Trials and PvP participation overall which would be a huge win for your game if this issue is addressed. I love this game and it’s a huge part of my life but I would personally be doing the game I love an injustice by staying quiet on this matter.



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