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7/6/2022 11:59:33 PM

Radiant Light secondary perk not activating

So, to begin with, I've tried looking at other places to see if anyone had the issue that I'm dealing with but couldn't find anything like it. To begin, on my class item I have Radiant Light, with another arc mod equipped (outreach), however, the secondary perk isn't activating. I've tried putting another charged with light arc mod in a different armor slot with no difference. I have noticed though that before I socketed Radiant Light, I had 99 STR, but with it socketed my STR went down to 79, I was wondering if anyone could help with the issue.



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  • 由EckyThump編輯: 7/7/2022 12:03:53 AM
    Hey there. Is this your Hunter? Your Hunter already has Radiant Light on their legs. Adding a second copy on another piece of gear actually stops the first one working, which is why your Strength goes down to 79 now the first copy is deactivated.



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