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7/3/2022 3:16:54 AM

Lost Summoner Adept Impact Mod

Last week I went flawless in trials of osiris and acquired the adept summoner along with its impact mod. I was able to insert the impact mod on another weapon but when I took it off to put the mod back on the summoner the mod was gone. I know you aren’t able to put adept mods on other weapons but I think my mod was bugged, allowing me to put it on other weapons. I’ve checked my adept summoner and the gun I tried to put the mod on and I can’t find the mod. The game won’t allow you to grab mods from collections either. Is there a dev that can put the mod back on my account or anyone that knows a fix? It was my first time going flawless and it sucks that I can’t even use the mod.



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